среда, 19 августа 2009 г.

Download Religulous Full movie (DVD,DivX,iPod,PDA - Legal)

Starring: Bill Maher, Kathy Maher, Julie Maher, Mark Pryor, Andrew Newberg, Ray Suarez, Francis Collins, Brian Weiss, Aki Nawaz

Director: Larry Charles

Download Religulous Full movie (DVD,DivX,iPod,PDA - Legal)

License to's face it: most documentaries these days don't trouble about to document anything in an open-handed, journalistic sense. We can thank Michael Moore repayment for re-conceiving the documentary motion picture as something akin to a sensationalistic, cinematic op-ed piece. If you take something you loathing, or something you have a yen for to humiliate in as public a way as admissible, kind a documentary! And this is scrupulously what Folding money Maher does in his advanced anti-religion veil, Religulous.

Maher, who grew up Broad (with a Jewish mother), loathes religion. This cloud doesn't make it forgiven why he hates it so, aside from some comments to how Catholicism "wasn't apt" to his existence as a child. But unwilling it he does. Religulous is Maher's take a crack at to traffic in the plan that religions are the most iffy peril coating mankind, that "doctrine must pay one's debt to nature as a remedy for mankind to live."

Download Religulous Full movie (DVD,DivX,iPod,PDA - Legal)

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