вторник, 4 августа 2009 г.

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Starring: Bill Sage, Susie Misner, Roy Scheider, Noelle Beck, Ronald Guttman

Director: Benjamin Cummings, Orson Cummings
Screenwriter: Benjamin Cummings, Orson Cummings
Producer: Benjamin Cummings, Orson Cummings
Composer: Michael Tremante
Studio: Artistic License

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Noir, reduced to its '40s-derived generic trappings without the requisite surroundings, can be a touch-and-go proposition. Operate, in search instance, the sophomore expedition of the brothers Cummings, in which carefully updated tropes and gender reversals fake those of a "Double Reparations"-type thriller, but without any uplands logic. Featuring a stringent central perf before Tab Sage, a raincoated detective turn by Roy Scheider and the upscale autumnal composure of the Hamptons, "If I Didn't Pains" remains a stylistic exercise in well turned out gratuitousness. Covering opened Aug. 3 at Gotham's Village East Cinema, but not many determination likely care.

Filmmakers ode minus their characters sufficiently baldly, not one of them extraordinarily complex or conspicuously likable, even though Davis (Reasonable) exudes a stable slothful charm. Married to a priceless, powerful lawyer, Janice (Noelle Beck), who toils all week in the city while he forebears sits their ritzy digs in Southampton, Davis dabbles in intrinsic place (what else?) to give himself the false impression of consider, wiling the time away walking his dog on the margin, drinking all night and screwing his colleague Hadley (Susie Misner) on the side.

The Cummings' script unsubtly adopts recognizable noir tropes and systematically reverses gender roles. As a result, the women are the movers and shakers, while the men on the atoll exert their power passively, like glorified beach bums (still the old bill detective Scheider spends most of his period roaming the shore with a dog named Schopenhauer). When Davis and Hadley conclude to obliterate Janice, it's required upon gal Hadley to procure the gun and draw the trigger. Davis' job is to unscrew a light bulb.

Download If I Didn't Care Full movie (DVD,DivX,iPod,PDA - Legal)

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