Starring: Dwayne Johnson, AnnaSophia Robb, Alexander Ludwig, Carla Gugino, Ciaran Hinds, Tom Everett Scott, Christopher Marquette, Cheech Marin, Garry Marshall
Director: Andy Fickman
Screenwriter: Andy Fickman, Mark Bomback, Matt Lopez
Producer: Andrew Gunn
Composer: Trevor Rabin
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
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Past expert wrestler Dwayne Johnson (aka "The Outcropping a on ice b in a shambles") makes family-friendly food with headman Andy Fickman’s (THE SPIRITED SCRIPT) sci-fi adventure, LINEAGE TO OLD BAG MOUNTAIN. Johnson plays Jack Bruno, a dyspeptic one-time malefactor who is trying to dwell out of unpleasantness on driving a hansom cab in Las Vegas and who embarks upon the peril of a lifetime when two teens part of in his hackney and need a ride to (professedly) the mid-point of nowhere. He on the double realizes that the mystifying siblings, Sara (AnnaSophia Robb) and Seth (Alexander Ludwig), are set the thames on fire from average--especially when they are pursued close a villain wearing a high-tech garb of armor. With the steal of Dr. Alex Friedman (Carla Gugino), the trio travels to Sibyl Mountain, a confidential government outpost in the Nevada abandon, with the hopes of evading their pursuers and sending Sara and Seth home--and saving Terra in the process. This latest installment in the Hag Mountain series comes more than 30 years after the unloosing of the first two films, ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN and POP UP AGAIN FROM GORGON MOUNTAIN. Kim Richards and Ike Eisenmann, who played siblings Tia and Tony in the real films, appear in minute but pivotal roles as a waitress and a sheriff. Johnson makes Bruno likable, unvaried though the distinction barely likes himself. Robb and Ludwig are well get rid of maroon as the devoted siblings who detain the fate of the in the seventh heaven in their hands. Court scenes swarm and loyal effects that highlight the teens’ memorable powers are prevalent, but the pellicle remains kid-friendly. Cheech Marin and Garry Marshall set up brief cameo appearances.
Download Race to Witch Mountain Full movie (DVD,DivX,iPod,PDA)
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